Learn to Use the cryoEMBEDDER® System.

Lab Consulting

Tutorials & Instructions


Lab Consulting & Setup
Quality Control Records and Charts
Written Lab Evaluation
Inspection Regulations for OSHA and CLIA
Waste Material Procedures
Tech Training Techniques for Speed and Accuracy
Suggested Lab Design for Efficiency Flow
Cleaning and Sterilization Procedures
Recommendations for Equipment and Chemicals
Lab Safety Precautions
Daily Log Books and Filing

Get in Touch

800 447-0718
(801) 453-0187
Jackie Marsing
3562 Avondale Drive,
SLC, 84121
Tutorial Videos &
Downloadable Instructions

Click Links Below to Download PDF Instructions

cryoEMBEDDER® Instructions for Use
Marsing 2-minute Staining Procedure – Hand Stainer
Marsing 2-minute Staining Procedure – Linear Stainer

cryoEMBEDDER® 6 Month Training Video Access

cryoEMBEDDER® Workshops for beginner and experienced technicians are offered either onsite at your lab location or at the Salt Lake City lab. Classes include set-up, lab design, suggested equipment, safety, lab economics, mapping and marking, new techniques for speed and accuracy, use of scope for QA, trouble shooting, CLIA inspection, etc. There is hands-on cutting, staining and scope time. A variety of methods are demonstrated by instructors who are HT ASCP technicians. Call or email for availability, price and number of hours needed.